domenica 30 dicembre 2007

E' nato Daniele!!!

Lo aspettavamo tutti come regalo sotto l'albero proprio per la mattina di Natale, ma il nostro piccolino ha voluto farsi attendere ed è rimasto nel pancino di mamma Monica fino alle 18.02 del 28 Dicembre!!!!
Che emozione e che felicità vedere la vita che comincia e la perfezione di un piccolo scricciolino al quale siamo già affezionati!



On Dec, 28th at 6.02 pm our cousin Daniele is born! Welcome in our family! We are so happy to have a new little cousin to cuddle. My aunt Monica is fine and she's waiting to go home with the newborn, just in time to celebrate the coming of the new year all together.


giovedì 27 dicembre 2007

Christmas time

Christmas has gone this year, but we had a wonderful time meeting friends and family. I finished working last Friday (Dec, 21st) and I am so happy because I am off work until Jan, 14th!!! Anyway my aunt Monica is having her 3rd child (probably today or tomorrow!!!) and the other 2 (Davide, 7 and Eleonora, 4) are on their way to come to our place and stay with us until Monica has the baby and for the first few days when she will be back home with the newborn. We are all soooooo excited about this new baby! We still don't know the name, but we will update the blog as soon as we'll see him at the hospital! So these days off work will be definetely full!!!

But let's go back to our Christmas time...


For the last day before Christmas, we made it to the big city with Ely's mom Adriana! Shopping in Milan is great! Even if we had already bought almost all the gifts, we just wanted to have a look at the glittering window's shops of Via Montenapoleone and the sorroundings, where are located the best brands and the best shops. We made some shopping for ourselves and we bought the last gifts too.

Ely was so happy, because we also went to Sanrio outlet store (she's a big big biiiig Hello Kitty fan) and to the new Tarina Tarantino boutique.
Milan was full of Christmas lights and in the Duomo square there was a huuuge Christmas tree...

We ended our shoppping day at the Leone di Lonato shopping mall, a big new one not too far from Brescia and our favourite at the moment.


This year Ely had to work at the theatre right on Christmas day, because at 4.00 pm there was the "Nutcracker". So we planned to stay in town for the traditional Christmas lunch, while our families (parents, grantparents, siblings and so on) were making it in the mountain, where we are used to spend the Christmas day at our grandparent's houses. My family was in Pieve di Bono and Ely's was in Romeno. We went to Ely's aunt Franca and uncle Paolo house right in the city centre, a few steps from the theatre. Here I am just before the lunch...

The lunch was amazing! Too much food! At the end Ely and I could barely stand up!!
Here we are all together:

But it was late and Ely had to run to the theatre. I drove back home and, waiting to digest, I fell asleep on the couch. Fortunately Ely called me on the phone right on time to let me prepare all the things for our night out at my grandparents in Pieve di Bono. In fact, just after the show, I went to pick Ely up and just after 7.00 pm we were already with my grandparents and we spent a delightful evening together.


We wake up early, in the cold of a winter sunny morning in the Giudicarie valley. We had breakfast with my grandparents and after 10 am we were driving to Romeno, where Ely's family was waiting for us for lunch. On the way, we stopped over in Madonna di Campiglio. It's a lovely village, with great ski slopes and a very nice winter resort location and it's now tradition for me and Ely to go there around Christmas every year. There was snow there and many many people, mostly tourists. We had a short walk around, because we didn't have too much time to spend there. But here are some of the amazing views of the mountain and of the village:

We arrived in Romeno just in time for lunch and we spent a nice afternoon playing Playstation games with Ely, her sister and her little cousin Andrea. (and I won!!!!!! hehehe)
We had to be in Trento for dinner, because we had tickets for the "Giselle" at the theatre. Ely is a big ballet fan but for me it was my first classic ballet show ever. I must say, I liked it very much even if it's a very sad story and I am willing to see other ballets in the future. Thank to Ely I am gaining quite a good theatre culture. (^_^)


mercoledì 12 dicembre 2007

Lost in translation...

Sorry guys! Lately I have been sooooo busy at work that I had to neglect the blog and I couldn't translate anything of the last few posts written by Ely. She was always in a hurry and didn't have time to translate too...(or too lazy to do it! hehehe). We definetely got LOST IN TRANSLATION this time!!! But here is a little recap of these last few posts.

This is one of our favourite part of the year! This is our first Christmas in the new house. Last Christmas the house was ready, but we only had the sofa and the Christmas tree!!! We weren't living in because we hadn't bought forniture yet. So we can consider this one as the first Christmas in our house. And it's exciting!!! We have started decorating the house at the beginning of December. We have a little but glam x-mas tree, my aunt Miriam made us a fantastic table decoration (you can see the photo in the previous posts!) and we have decided to collect decorations that represent a snowman...we now we have a table runner with snowmen, a cookie jar, a chocolate snowman and last but not least an Advent calendar. It has the shape of a snowman, but the body is made with several little drawers, one for every day of the month until Christmas. In every one we have put chocolate candies and Ely wrote me a message for every day! How sweet, isn't she???
We also wanted to put lights outside, but we don't have plugs on the balcony, so we gave up for this year.
These week-end we started to make Christmas shopping. On Friday afternoon we went to a big store here in Trento where we found most of the gifts for our families and friends. Then on Sunday we went to the typical annual St. Lucy's fair. It's a big tradition here and we usually go to the fair every year. The things they sell are more or less always the same every year. We usually buy candied peanuts and walk around the stalls...this year we found that very nice table runner with snowmen on it. My mum joined us at the fair. She loves it. She also bought some little things even though lately prices are quite unreasonable. All the shop in the city centre were open and we also could buy some other little gifts. We have quite a lot of packages under our little Christmas tree!!! I only have one gift for me under the tree :( ! I hope Santa will bring some other ones!!! I have been so good this year!!! I SWEAR!!!!!!! (^-^)

We are "Lost" addicted. We have just finished to see the 3rd season here in Italy. Finally we have started to understand something, but who knows? At the end something is understandable, but most of the facts are still in the fog! In my opinion, the show is really well done. You are always on the edge, waiting for the next step of the story, the next unpredictable event...and you never stop wondering what's next, what's the meaning of all this and so on! No clues to answer to all these questions now. We just have to wait patiently season 4 in fall 2008. Can't wait!!!!!
For the season 3 finale, we have planned a "Lost party" at Giorgia's house. Also our's friend Valeria joined us. Ely prepared pancakes with apple (you can see the pic in the previous post!) and it definetely was a nice evening. We never stopped making conjectures about interpretations of everything...It was a fun night in good company! ;)

Last Saturday we went again to Ikea to buy a closet for the basement (where to put all those clothing that we use less or seasonal stuff, like sky clothing or summer shoes, but also blankets and all that's not necessary at the moment!) and a new chest of drawers for the bedroom. As always, we found some other nice things to complete our house, like a big mirror always for the bedroom and some candles.
Once back home, we found out that the mirror was sktretched in 3 different points and we didn't notice it in the shop, because it was in a cellophane. We are quite disappointed, and we intend to return it to the shop and get a new one in perfect conditions. The problem is that the mirror is big and the shop where to return it is in Brescia!!! :( :( :( :(
Here is the final result of the our bedroom with the new forniture!

This X-mas there are some nice new movies in theaters...Ely and I have watched some interesting trailers and read some reviews both on local and international magazines and we decided to go to see "Enchanted" and "The Golden Compass". From our choice you can tell we like the fantasy thing. True, but not only. In my opinion for Christmas it's nice to go to cinema and warch a fantasy movie and dream...

What I miss the most of my childhood at Christmas is that magical feeling when I still believed in Santa. I remember all the times I was helped to write the letter with the wish list of the gifts. On Christmas day I was the first one to get up and find all the gifts. Every time I was breathless in front of them. And I was playing in my pijama for the whole morning. It was all a matter of great expectations and big surprises to find out what Santa brought. ;) Unforgettable!!!

Merry Christmas, my friends! ;)

lunedì 10 dicembre 2007

Come d'Incanto

Che bello questo film di Natale romanticoso...

Ieri sera io e Mariello, non contenti della lunga scarpinata tra le bancarelle della fiera di S.Lucia, siamo andati al secondo spettacolo del cinema Vittoria...

La sala era deserta il che mi ha fatto temere che il film fosse una mezza schifezza... ma probabilmente era solo colpa dell'ora un po' tarda perchè principalmente questo è un film più adatto ai bimbi (... quindi ho pensato che sarebbe stato perfetto per me :D).

La storia è davvero adorabile, molto romantica ma anche divertente e segue 1 po' la scia del suo antenato "Roger Rabbit" perchè anche qui troviamo la perfetta fusione tra film e cartoni animati!!!

A noi è piaciuto davvero molto e siamo tornati a casa canticchiando i ritornelli delle canzoni più carine... quindi il mio consiglio è... se siete dei mattacchioni come noi e vi piacciono i cartoni animati non lasciatevi scappare questa fiaba metropolitana che vi farà sognare!!!


martedì 4 dicembre 2007

Lost fine Terza Stagione :(

Con immenso dispiacere di tutti gli appassionati, ieri sera la FOX ha trasmesso le ultime 3 puntate della stagione del telefilm "Lost".
Io, Mariello, La Val e la Giò ne siamo tutti grandi fan e così abbiamo deciso di fare 1 Lost-Party...
Ci siamo così trovati a casa della Giò verso le 8 e prima che la serie iniziasse abbiamo mangiato dei gustosi hot-dog e fatto 1000 congetture sul perchè ed il per...come tutti quei poveretti dopo 90 giorni ed almeno altrettante disavventure fossero ancora sulla solita maledettissima isola!!!
L'unica cosa certa di questo telefilm è che dovrebbe essere catalogato tra le droghe leggere... senza nessun tipo di scusante! Se cominci a vederne 1 puntata poi non ne puoi proprio più fare a meno... tanto è vero che anche mio suocero è diventato 1 attento spettatore...
Non mi dilungherò sui particolari eventi delle 3 ore che ci hanno tenuto col fiato sospeso (anche perchè mi hanno detto che proprio ieri sera andava in onda la prima puntata "in chiaro" su RAI2.. e non voglio rovinare le sorprese) ma faccio presente che a differenza dei 2 finali precedenti questa volta sono rimasta piacevolmente soddisfatta dall'epilogo... che lascia intravvedere 1 po' di speranza per i nostri "isolani".
Ad allietare la nostra serata ci sono infine state anche le mie frittelline di mele Tematiche ;)

Ringrazio i mie dolci amichetti per questa bella serata in compagnia...
La prossima serata tematica sarà per le casalinghe disperate???????

lunedì 3 dicembre 2007

Profumo di Natale...

Per dirla tutta il profumo non lo sento proprio bene perchè sono super raffreddata... ma il nasino un po' gocciolante fa parte dei giochi quando il Natale si avvicina... e con tutte queste lucine luccicanti sparse tra le viuzze della città... mi sembra che le feste siano proprio dietro l'angolo!!!
Ieri io ed il mio dolce Mariello abbiamo addobbato la casa con in sottofondo allegre musiche natalizie... mancava solo la cioccolata con i marsh dato che siamo solo ai primi di Dicembre abbiamo preferito non esasgerare con le le goloserie...!!!
Quest'anno ci siamo proprio sbizzarriti...
Alle finestre abbiamo appeso candidi fiocchi di neve che la mia nonna aveva fatto ad uncinetto ancora l'anno scorso.. abbiamo fatto 1 piccolo ma grazioso albero di Natale (che presto provvederò a fotografare) ed inaugurato il nostro nuovo calendario dell'avvento (vedi foto sopra). In ogni cassettino abbiamo fatto mettere dei cioccolatini Lindt (i nostri preferiti) e poi ho personalmente aggiunto dei bigliettini con frasi carine per ogni giorno del mese...

Infine la zia di Mariello ci ha confezionato questo delizioso centrotavola fatto con rami di Pino, pigne e bacche di bosco... i girasoli effettivamente non richiamano molto la stagione invernale, ma nonostante tutto trovo che diano 1 tocco di colore davvero carino e divertente!!!