sabato 25 agosto 2007

In memory of Ely's grandmother Milena

After a long and strenous fight against the illness, on Aug, 23rd 2007 Ely's grandmother Milena (here pictured with Ely and her husband Luigi 1 year ago, for their 50th anniversary of marriage) left this world. It's a difficult and sad moment for all Ely's family. I want to remember her with this post, say how much we will all miss her and support the whole family in this moment of sorrow.
Thank you for all the time spent together and for all the support and good words she always found for me and Ely.

2 commenti:

valuzza ha detto...

Come ha detto il parroco sabato mattina "siamo come le foglie sugli alberi...prima o poi dobbiamo cadere"...Mai frase fu più vera...Mi unisco nel ricordare la splendida nonnina di ely e ne approfitto per porgere ancora le più sincere e sentite condoglianze da me e dalla mia famiglia...

Jenny ha detto...

I'm so sorry to hear this news. My heart goes out to you and Ely. God bless you!