sabato 17 novembre 2007

The marvellous Place where I work @

After that Mario presented what he usually does at work, I would also like to spend some few words about mine..

My job is only a part time one, because I need to save some time to study (I study Law at the university of Trento) and to clean the house.
I have been working here at the theatre since 2002 and I like it very much because in this way I have the possibility to get to know every day new people and often I have the occasion to assist the shows that we host!
I love the Dance Season and expecially all the big classics, like the Nutkraker and the Swans Lake. They make me dream...!!

My duties here at the front desk are to take reservations and to give information about all our shows and help our customers. Actually this is not the definitive work of my life but I'm happy to be doing this experience because in these last 6 years I could know better how a theatre works and I could learn some new aspects behind the scenes of this incredible world of entertainment.


Credo che tutti i nostri amici made in Italy sappiano perfettamente cosa faccio al lavoro.. quindi non mi dilungherò in noiose specificazioni, ma desidero cmq fare presente quanto io abbia apprezzato (tra alti e bassi è ovvio..) quest'esperienza negli anni dell'università.

Sicuramente se non avessi lavorato qui non avrei potuto fare molte delle esperienze che hanno piacevolmente segnato questi anni della mia vita... come i meravigliosi viaggi avventurosi con la mia dolce metà o il progetto di vivere insieme che finalmente da quasi 1 anno si è realizzato!

Oltre a tutto ciò però devo anche ringraziare questo lavoro perchè mi ha permesso di ampliare i miei orizzonti culturali e di amare ancora di più il meraviglioso mondo del teatro al quale sono sempre stata affezionata!


martedì 13 novembre 2007

Thanksgiving for the first time...

"Batter d'occhio"

That's the way we say in Italian when something goes by very quickly. Or when time passes fast, that you don't even realize it.
This is how I feel about these last few months. I still have memories of our summer holidays, and everybody is now talking about Christmas. Time flies. And sometimes I would like it was slower, just to let me enjoy every occasion and every day longer.

Many things are on our schedule for the next few weeks before Christmas. But for the first time in our lives, I would like to add a new holiday and a new occasion to meet with friends at our place: THANKSGIVING.

Here in Italy it isn't a celebrative day. We aren't off work. Most of people neither know anything about this typical american holiday, which has always made me curious.
It happened that last spring, on a book stall downtown, I found a very interesting book about traditional food and recipes of the U.S.A., so I bought it. On this book there is a part about Thanksgiving, but I definetely need help to prepare a typical meal for the occasion.

So I make a plea to all our american blog readers: what do you suggest to cook for a perfect Thanksgiving dinner with friends? Do you have any recipes to advice? What do you usually do on that day?

Time goes by in a "batter d'occhio"...and the 22th is just 'round the corner!
Please, help! (^_^)


lunedì 5 novembre 2007

What I do @ work...

Another working week has started and after the long break for the festivity of "All Saints"'s even tougher to stay at work in front of a monitor and work on...concrete design, which is, in my opinion, the most boring and annoying part of my job!!!!!

It has been months since we started this blog, and Ely and I have never written about our jobs. So here I am, describing what I do on my work days...

As a Civil Engineer, I basically design structures,but it's just one of the many duties I have in the office. Sometimes I also prepare architectural projects, mainly for infrastrucures, but also houses/villas and some restorations of historical buildings. Moreover I follow all the the managerial part of the construction sites we are responsible for all over the region. The project menagement is my favourite part of the job, as you have to go on the sites where we build, directing the works and making the point on the progresses, choosing the best solutions for technological or architectural problems. Sometimes it is difficult, but challenging. Almost you don't remain for hours in front of a computer, as I am doing lately...and probably for rest of the next winter. In fact the winter season, expecially for the low temperatures, is mostly dedicated to stay in office, designing new projects and making "indoor" managment!

I work from Monday to Thursday 8-12.30 and 14-18.30 and Friday morning 8-12. It happens that most of the times I have to stay extra time to finish works as we have frequent deadlines.

It has been 2 years since I have started to work in this office, and I must say that I have learned a lot, expecially thanks to my boss who tought me a lot...Basically I do what I have studied for, but I am not sure it will be a work for life. I think I would like to try something more dynamic, more creative...and...why not? Maybe have an experience abroad. Any ideas, guys?
Maybe a lemonade kiosk on a tropical beach!!! (^_^)

My contract expires at the end of I have time to think about it!


venerdì 2 novembre 2007


No...dico.. ma l'avete visto? Sinceramente credo sia il cartone animato più divertente e riuscito degli ultimi tempi... Domenica scorsa dopo una fantastica cenetta a base di spaghetti al Barolo in salsa allo Spek... io, Mariello, mia sorella Anna ed il suo fidanzato Davide abbiamo proseguito la serata al cinema allietati dalle spericolate avventure di questo adorabile roditore!!!
Devo ammettere che inizialmente ero 1 po' scettica perchè da brava schizzinosetta non posso proprio dire che i ratti siano parte della top ten dei miei animali preferiti, ma grazie al mio smisurato amore per l'arte culinaria mi sono convinta ed ho assaporato ogni singolo minuto di questo spassosissimo film!!! Se non l'avete ancora visto correte al cinema e non perdete ratatouille... grasse risate assicurate e comprese nel prezzo secondo la formula... soddisfatti o rimborsati!!! :)