giovedì 10 aprile 2008

10 on 10 - Clean and dirty

1 - CLEAN: I like to wake up, go to the kitchen and opening the dishwasher - which has just been bought - to smell the clean lemony flavour that comes out.

2 - DIRTY: What's better than a warm cup of coffee after lunch?!?

3 - DIRTY: Laundry making isn't my favorite fact the raccoon of the house is Mario! hehehe (^_^)

4 - CLEAN/DIRTY: What's the difference between a clean and a dirty book? The first one is read and studied, the second one is new...and ready to be read!

5 - CLEAN: Do we have too much?!?!?

6 - DIRTY: Trento is making waste recycling with a massive division of the garbage. In the kitchen, under the sink, we have different trashcans for: paper, glass, organic, plastic and one for all the rest that isn't recyclable.

7 - DIRTY: Dirty (and overall wet) boots under an heavy rain...but...aren't they cuuuuuute?!?!?

8 - DIRTY: Visiting my father's Lab (Ely's speaking), at the high school in Trento where he works.

9 - CLEAN: Ely's fancy makeup remover...before to go to bed...

10 - CLEAN: Our love


5 commenti:

Casey ha detto...

what a fun theme! :)

and I just love your boots! so cute!

Pat ha detto...

I loved your 10 on 10! You all are getting so creative. I finally posted a 10 on 10 too. Please post photos of Jeff and Jenny once they get there.

VerdeIrlanda ha detto...

ciao bellissimi!vedo che avete aggironato il blog!anche io l'ho fatto!mi piacciono questi vostri post fotografici!
un bacione!

amyrenee ha detto...

Nice photos!

Mario, I WILL be back in September in London! Finally!

I would love to meet up! Let's keep in touch.

VerdeIrlanda ha detto...

ciao bellissimi!vi ho lasciato un meme da completare..andate a vedere sul mio blog!
baci baci