venerdì 10 dicembre 2010

10 on 10 :: Un dìa en Barcelona

This is a special 10 on 10 directly from Barcelona, in Spain. Ely and I are here visiting thanks to some traditional holidays that we have in Italy this period and that - adding a weekend - can be perfect to plan a little "escape" from the cold and the snow we have been having in Trento recently and fly somewhere warmer. This is our first time in Spain, and Barcelona is definitely a place to see. We are loving this city and we are enjoying its mild climate. It's nearly Christmas and during the day temperatures are around 20*C and it's not unusual to go around without a jacket and enjoy the sun on a terrace beachfront. Today we also visited some of the most important works of Gaudì in town, such as Parc Güell and the very famous Sagrada Familia.

Enjoy this set of 10... ( Sorry for the quality, but they were taken with the cellphone!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Location:Barcelona, Catalunia (Spain)

7 commenti:

Jennifer ha detto...

Barcelona looks beautiful! Thank you for sharing!!

Kim ha detto...

Even with a cell phone your pix are amazing! That park cuell looks like a gingerbread house!

Alita ha detto...

Barcelona looks divine through your cell. Great set!

Yvette ha detto...

Fabulous Barcelona!! What a perfect way to spend the holiday!!

Christian - Modobject@Home ha detto...

Perfection! Ahhh, lovely Barcelona.

Dani ha detto...


What a merry 10!

Lewy ha detto...

oh wow - your awesome photos are making me miss our days in Barcelona, over five years ago! Sagrada Familia, Parc Guell... incredible city.