sabato 9 febbraio 2008

Colorful Life for Carnival

It is Carnival and considering the really hectic month we have just passed, I think it was quite necessary to be involved in something funny.

Carnival brings happiness and - hidden behind a mask - you can see life from another point of view. Kids go around in the city center in their little,funny and sweet costumes and in the streets you can see fairies, princesses, cow-boys, whitches and many other nice characters. For a few days it really looks like an inchanted world!!! I love it so much and it was a pity that Mario and I coudn't join the big celebration in Venice!!!

However tonight we have planned to see a spectacular show at the Sociale theatre here in Trento!!!It' s called the "Slava Snow Show". Recently I read amazing reviews on newspapers and it should be very nice and full of special effects.

Last but not least, here I post our photo in costume for the Carnival's party that took place at our friend Alexander's house last week!!! Flower (Mario) + Bee (Ely) (here with 2 Smurfs!!!)... (^_^)



Per fortuna anche qui è arrivato il carnevale... dopo un mese così grigio ci voleva proprio qualcosa che potesse risollevare il nostro morale.

Purtroppo quest'anno, con mio grande rammarico, non siamo riusciti a partecipare al carnevale di Venezia perchè ho dovuto lavorare un sacco... in cambio però siamo stati invitati ad una fantastica festa in maschera (Grazie Schuster) e questa sera per chiudere in bellezza abbiamo preso i biglietti per tutta la famiglia per andare a vedere questo starbiliante spettacolo di clown russi che, stando alle recensioni ed agli apprezzamenti dei clienti che uscivano dalla sala con grandi sorrisi stampati in faccia, promette proprio di essere spettacolare!!!

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