venerdì 5 settembre 2008

Martha...we love you!!

After 10 days back home in Italy we have finally returned to our mediterrean diet, based on pasta fresh fruit and vegetables...but we miss the US a lot, even if it's more about fast food than what we are used here. Fortunately we had the chance to stay with friends and family that prepared us delicious meals and saved us from junk food.

Jenny cooking pasta with chicken meatballs

Brian and Linda, preparing a typical and tasty american dinner: yummy bbq!!

However we found the way to be connected with the US cousine, most of the time revised and picked from other national traditional food, thank to a new discover for us, but an old "friend" for americans: Martha Stewart!!

Nobody we know here ever heard about her. But we think her ideas are just amazing. And we trust her choices in recipes, even if they seem strange or unusual. And we sigh:" No matters...Martha rules!". (^_^)
And every recipes is a new discover in terms of taste and combination of flavours.

Thank to Merry, who gifted us a vitange Matha's book (in the pictures she was probably in her 20's and you can tell it's vintage!!!!) and thank to a new recipes book found in a book shop in Las Vegas...we are now experiencing 360 degrees of Martha's kitchen.

Here are the books:

And here are some of the plates:

Chicken with cranberry sauce with mashed white beans

Apple endive and grape salad

Crispy apricot pork chops ( was too good to wait for a picture when ready!)

Every recipes was just if you are interested in some of these...just ask!
Thank you, Martha!

- Ely and Mario

4 commenti:

Pat ha detto...

Jenny's sister in law, Rebekah loves Martha too - see her May blog. Ely, you are quite the cook!

Jenny ha detto...

Those look amazing..I'm so glad you love Martha!

I also just realized I owe you a couple of recipes...I'll get on that soon!

VerdeIrlanda ha detto...

bellissime foto!ci vediamo presto!

Alexander e Manuela ha detto...

Era rimasto un po' indietro. Ora ho recuperato i post! Ciao Ranger Mario! hi hi! Devo dire che la foto camminando sulle dune ha lasciate il segno. Un bacio ad Elisa!