martedì 10 giugno 2008

Ten on Ten... June

1) A fresh shower in the morning is the best way to begin a new day

2) What a fresh breakfast...

3) Another cloudy Sky

4) Bare feet after work.... such a nice sensation

5) it is time to study again

6) watching out of the window...

7) cheese and jams.... a special french-style dinner

8) Mariello "playing" at the pc

9) cuddling in front of tv

10) It's time to go to bed... jewellery must be tidied up

2 commenti:

Casey ha detto...

such amazing photos! you really are putting that new camera to good use :)

Jenny ha detto...

your shower is the best and you know I just love that towel bar! Seeing these photos of your day really makes me miss Trento!